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The STAR program is a research-based program uses applied behavioral analysis (ABA) methodologies to support classroom instruction. The research is based on studies with individuals with autism, however the strategies are beneficial and effective with many students with low-incidence disabilities.The STAR program uses the following instructional strategies: discrete trial training (DT), Pivotal response training (PRT), and Functional routines instruction (FR). The program is divided into three instructional levels to meet the educational needs of individual students. The curriculum content areas addressed are expressive, receptive, and spontaneous language, functional routines, pre academic skills and play/social interaction concepts. The STAR kits provide all the necessary information and supplies needed to implement the program with fidelity.


Discrete Trial Training (DT)

Students are taught new skills in a logical sequence that build on previously learned skills. There are four steps to discrete trial training; instructional cue, child response, consequence (ex. positive reinforcer) and pause. Data is collected on each skill in order to monitor progress and determine mastery of skills.


Pivotal Response Training (PRT)

PRT is used in the STAR program to teach and generalize expressive language, play, and social skills. PRT is incorporated within the environment and context. The student is able to choose a desired activity and is reinforced through a natural consequence.


Functional Routines Instruction (FR)

Routines are predictable activities with predictable sequence of steps and expectations. Students regularly engage in daily routines such as arrival/dismissal at school, eating a snack, using the restroom, and independent work. Instruction in functional routines supports student independence through a systematic approach in school and self-care routines. Both DT and PRT can be incorporated in the functional routines to support generalization of skills. Skills learned in the school setting can be incorporated and generalized into the home and community environments.

STAR Autism Program

(Strategies for Teaching based on Autism Research)

PCI Basic Picture Math

Edmark Reading Program

Basic Picture Math concepts come to life with visuals. Simple directions and visuals help students understand the concepts presented. The activity sheets offer a slow progression of skills and extra practice in different formats. The following concepts are taught using PCI's basic picture math: Numbers & Number Words, Counting, Ordering & Comparing, Addition, Subtraction, Measurement, Money, Shapes & Patterns, Fractions & Graphing.

The Edmark Reading Program has long helped students who need an alternative to phonics. The key to this success is the program's use of a carefully sequenced, highly repetitive work recognition method combined with errorless learning strategies. This approach eliminates incorrect responses and helps students view themselves as readers. 


The Edmark Reading Program ensures success to students of all ages who have not yet mastered beginning reading.  

PCI Educational Publishing

Environmental Print Series

PCI Educational Publishing Environmental Print Series is designed comprehensively with standards-based language arts resource for students with mild to moderate cognitive disabilities who have been unsuccessful with phonetic or sight works-based reading programs. Differentiation takes place within the scripted lessons where questions are oriented allowing both verbal and nonverbal responses.


Environmental print series incorporates differentiated materials and activities throughout the program and is purposed for students to use in classroom with moderate to severe disabilities.

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